The L. Robert and Della M. Nessler Memorial Law School Scholarship Charitable Trust

The L. Robert and Della M. Nessler Memorial Law School Scholarship Charitable Trust (the “Charitable Trust”) offers a variety of different grant programs.  The following is a summary of the Charitable Trust’s policies and procedures regarding these programs.

Please note:  For grant consideration within the 2020 academic year, all grant applications must be submitted by December 1, 2019.

Grant Selection Committee

All of the Charitable Trust’s grant and scholarship programs shall be overseen and managed by the Charitable Trust’s Board of Trustees.  The Board of Trustees will screen and review all applications for funding and will select funding recipients according to the procedures set forth below.

Grant Programs

The Charitable Trust will consider grants from a variety of sources.  All grant requests will be evaluated in accordance with the Charitable Trust’s stated priority to support graduated high school students that are in financial need to attend law school.

Grants to Charitable Trusts Procedures

The Charitable Trust shall accept grant requests from other charitable trusts that conduct charitable activities.  Interested charitable trusts must submit a written grant proposal as well as charitable trustal information and documentation sufficient for the Charitable Trust to ensure charitable use of grant funds.  Requests for grant funding will be reviewed by the Board of Trustees.  Throughout the entire selection process, applicants will be evaluated and selected based on the Charitable Trust’s grant priorities (noted above).

The awarding of grants will be based solely upon the objective judgment of the Board of Trustees as to which applicants demonstrate the greatest potential for utilizing the resources to fulfill the Charitable Trust’s stated objectives.

Grants will be made to charitable trusts that are tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code (“Code”) Section 501(c)(3).  Grant recipients will receive an award letter in substantially the format shown here.

Apply for Grant Contact Us